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Multi Magnetic Levitation | Magnetic Games

12 Baxış

This is a diamagnetic levitation experiment . Many have made videos of levitation of a magnet, but the levitation of more than one magnet in repulsion between them, I saw him make just by my magnetic friend Adam :-). The tiles which levitate small magnets are made of pyrolytic graphite, diamagnetic material, it is weakly repelled by magnets.

High quality pyrolytic graphite from AVA Magnetic Levitation here.... This is his Youtube channel....

Questo è un esperimento di levitazione diamagnetica. Molti hanno fatto video di levitazione di un magnete , ma la levitazione di più di un magnete in repulsione tra di loro l'ho visto fare solo dal mio magnetico amico Adam :-). Le piastrelle su cui levitano i piccoli magneti sono fatti di grafite pirolitica, materiale diamagnetico, esso viene debolmente respinto dai magneti.

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On my channel you will find all the ways to have fun with magnets divided into 3 main categories:

Classical magnetic experiments such as magnetic levitation, homopolar motors, small magnetic weapons, Gauss cannons, gears, magnetic field viewers and much more.

Satisfaction video like the construction of magnetic sculptures, slime and magnetic putty and product review.

ASMR relaxing videos to watch but above all to listen preferably with stereo headphones to be able to appreciate the particular sounds of the magnets

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About Magnetic Games:
All ways to have fun with magnets.

The magnetism has always intrigued me. The strength of the magnets is scientifically explainable but there's something "magical" about its interaction with the world. My Channel offers you curious experiments and fun games to do with magnets.

Multi Magnetic Levitation | Magnetic Games

Magnetic Games

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